The Vision of Sturgeon Valley Pastoral Charge
Sturgeon Valley Pastoral Charge is a healthy, vibrant, nurturing congregation which is Christ centred, Spirit filled and Spirit led. We are committed to loving and caring for people of all ages in the church and in the wider world through worship and service. Sturgeon Valley Pastoral Charge will continue to provide a welcoming place where people can experience Christ and move forward on their spiritual journey.
The Mission of Coronado Gibbons United Church
At Coronado Gibbons United Church, we come together as a family to experience God’s presence through worship. Inspirational music is an important part of our spiritual life.
Our children are joyfully involved in all aspects of church life.
Our congregation promotes an atmosphere of voluntary involvement in the church family.
Responding to need–whether within the congregation, the community or the wider world–is an integral part of our church.
Our church has a rich heritage. The warm, friendly atmosphere which has existed through the years is a blessing which we will joyfully pass on to future generations.
Everyone is welcomed into our midst and encouraged to take part in our worship of God.