In 1987, Coronado United Church joined with Gibbons United Church to form Sturgeon Valley Pastoral Charge. In the early days, separate Sunday services were held in Gibbons United Church and in Coronado United Church from September to June. In the summer months we worshipped together. It was suggested that since attendance was lower, and we enjoyed each other’s company through the summer months, why should we quit worshipping together? We began holding combined worship services on November 17,2002, with the location of the service alternating from Sunday to Sunday. Although we each maintain our own status as separate congregations within the United Church of Canada, we come together for worship and community outreach projects. In this coming together, our churches have grown stronger and our connections now run deeper.
For many years we have served as a training site for student ministers. We are so very proud of our many student ministers who went on to be formally recognized as ministers in the United Church of Canada. We pray that the next 90 years will be as rich and full as the first 90!